And now for something completely different - rabbits!

Some people will say I am obsessed, maybe that's the case, I do love rabbits.

I have a collection of miniature (5 cm is max size) rabbits. Having moved around the world I remember where each one was bought or who gave it to me. For the time being they are arranged by color on a shelving system. There are about 200 in my collection, here are some of them:

Of course I also have a few rabbit stamps that I use from time to time:

We used to have a dwarf rabbit, named Austin many years ago, he was very tame and a great play pal for my son from the moment he could sit on his own on the floor. Not surprisingly my son's favorite cuddly toy was a rabbit called - Austin.
The real Austin lived for 9 years and after that we decided not to get another one - there cannot possibly be another rabbit as loveley and tame as Austin...

Enter Barry - that's me in the background.

Last year my son and his girlfriend decided to get Barry (he is black, like Barry White...) a rabbit which my husband and I have looked after for long periods. He is lovely.

Now for the stamping part of this post (it would come at some point...). 
I was preparing a card to send to my son and as you know, an envelope has to be decorated so I decided to decorate with Barry! This is the bottom of the envelope, Barry is from a company called Again! and the grass is a Martha Stewart stamp. 

 As Barry was with me I decided to try and photograph him with the envelope, not easy, he is quick -

and interested in chewing paper so he got to the corner very quickly, however I saved it before any damage was done.

I also have a Pinterest board with rabbits. Obsessed? Who? Me?
Thanks for visiting!


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